Tuesday 30 September 2008

Gricel A Go Go

I glanced at the news headlines and followed a couple of threads in the Amateur Economists blog to try and make sense of Black Monday (as if!), when I saw this, posted last week by one Evelyn Black:

OK, I know Lehman Brothers just tanked, Fannie and Freddie have been seized, and AIG has been taken over by the Fed, but can we put all that aside for just a few minutes and talk about me for a change, please?

I had so much fun, last night. I joined Liliana at Gricel. I danced every single tanda from 10.00 p.m. till 2.30.a.m. - that's a first for me. I wasn't even naked and afileteada from head to foot. Just lucky. Didn't I have a bad back, yesterday? Dancing for four and a half hours on 8 cm stilettos and walking with a 55 litre rucksack all day long are two of my favourite back remedies. A third is aromatherapy, which is a given when you dance up close and personal with a well-groomed varĂ³n: subtle notes of leather, cedar, ginger, vetiver, rosemary, moss, musk, frankincense, amber, liqueur, fresh towels... Argentinian men believe in perfume and so do I.

I danced a few tandas with Colin Firth But Sexier and I should think we'll be dancing again. Let the texting begin!

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