Thursday 16 October 2008

Life as Entertainment

Pens stop working when I've had them a couple of days. I could easily make that mean something, but I won't. I thought I'd adopt Life as Entertainment as my philosophy during my time in Buenos Aires. And why not? I would keep this a secret so that I could comment on real experiences involving real people without them becoming unduly self-conscious and altering their behaviour. Not that there's any point in trying to make sense of life, because it happens anyway. I believe I know all there is to know about love and infatuation, but that still doesn't prevent it from jumping up and biting me on the bum and I still catch my breath when I see someone of the same build or a sign over a shop bearing his name. I didn't reckon on anyone bothering to google my name, discovering my blog and finding themselves reading about... themselves. It was not intended that anyone should feel ridiculed or maligned. I'm not a bad person - just a shallow marshmallow. But now, the moon is full and I feel like weeping.

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